
Estes días Mozilla está moi movidiño, e hoxe atopeime moito choio,
tanto na parte dos repositorios como nas páxinas web. Preciso axuda
con estas cadeas para onte, para xa. Se vedes o correo e queredes
traducir cadeas soltas, benvido sexa, senón xa será tarde. Eu voulle
dar duro, entre hoxe a noite e mañá pola mañá (xa que en Compostela é
festivo), para ter listo todo ao final da mañá. As posíbeis axudas,
antes das 11 da mañá, a partires de ahí enviareino coas miñas

Ahí vas as páxinas web:

    <h2>Check Your <span>Plugins</span></h2>
    <p>Keeping your third-party plugins up to date helps Firefox run
safely and smoothly.</p>

            <h3>Missing <span>FLASH?</span></h3>
            <p>For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated
version of Flash. Please <a <?=$link[0];?> >upgrade to the latest

                    <strong>Warning, a newer version of your browser
is available.</strong> Please upgrade your browser.

                    This page works best with the latest browsers:
Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10.5+, Safari 4+, Chrome 4+, or IE 8+

                    Plugin Check <strong>support for Internet Explorer
is limited</strong>. Also use Tools &gt; Manage Addons

                    <strong><em>Step 1:</em></strong> Click
<strong>Update</strong> to update a plugin.

                    <strong><em>Step 2:</em></strong> <strong>Complete
all recommended updates</strong> <em>before</em> restarting your

                <p><strong>You have JavaScript disabled</strong> or
are using a browser without JavaScript. This Plugin Check page does
not work without the awesome power of <strong>JavaScript</strong>.
Please enable this Content Preference and reload the page.</p>
                <p>Or disable all your plugins and keep JavaScript
disabled... you'd be in good company, that's how <a <?=$link[1];?>
>RMS rolls</a>.</p>

            <h3>Plugin Finding Service Error</h3>
            <p>We've encountered an error. Please try your request
again later.</p>


        <h3>Plugin Tips</h3>

          <li><a <?=$link[2];?> > What is a plugin?                 </a></li>
          <li><a <?=$link[3];?> > Why should I update my plugins?   </a></li>
          <li><a <?=$link[4];?> > How can Firefox help me?          </a></li>
          <li><a <?=$link[5];?> > Which plugins do I have?          </a></li>
          <li><a <?=$link[6];?> > How do I disable a plugin?        </a></li>

            <h3>Need Help?</h3>
              <li><a <?=$link[7];?> > Visit </a></li>
              <li><a <?=$link[8];?> > Read support articles about
plugins </a></li>

        <h2>Frequently asked <span>Questions</span></h2>

            <h3 id="what-plugin">What is a plugin?</h3>
                <li>Plugins power <strong>videos, animation and
                <li>They're built <strong>outside of Firefox by
companies</strong> like <a <?=$link[9];?>>Adobe Systems</a> and <a
<?=$link[10];?> >Apple</a>.</li>
                <li>Plugins <strong>don't always update</strong>

            <h3 id="why-update">Why should I update my plugins?</h3>
                <li>Old plugins can interrupt browsing and
<strong>waste your time</strong>.</li>
                <li>Old plugins <strong>increase your risk</strong>
for attack by malware, viruses, and other security threats.</li>
                <li><strong>Updated plugins have improvements</strong>
that make the web <strong>better and safer</strong> for you.</li>

            <h3 id="firefox-helps">How can Firefox help me?</h3>
            <p>In the future, Firefox will update plugins for you.
Until then, you should <strong>regularly check this page</strong> and
update your plugins to stay safe.</p>

            <h3 id="list-plugins">Which plugins do I have?</h3>
            <p>We automatically detected your plugins above, to
<strong>view your installed plugins in Firefox</strong> follow these
                <li>Open the <kbd>Tools</kbd> menu.</li>
                <li>Choose <kbd>Add-ons</kbd>.</li>
                <li>Click the <kbd>plugins</kbd> tab.</li>

                <h3 id="howto-disable">How do I disable a plugin?</h3>
                <p>In Firefox:</p>
                    <li>Open the <kbd>Tools</kbd> menu.</li>
                    <li>Choose <kbd>Add-ons</kbd>.</li>
                    <li>Click the <kbd>plugins</kbd> tab.</li>
                    <li>Click on a plugin in the list.</li>
                    <li>Click the <kbd>Disable</kbd> button.</li>
                <p><strong>Caution:</strong> disabling a plugin means
that you will <strong>no longer be able to do</strong> certain things.
For example, if you disable Flash, you will not be able to watch
videos on popular video streaming sites.</p>

            <h3 id="more-questions">Have more <span>questions?</span></h3>
            <p><a <?=$link[7];?>>Our support site</a> can help you <a
<?=$link[6];?>>learn about plugins</a> or <a
<?=$link[8];?>>troubleshoot plugin problems</a>.</p>

  <p>Copy and paste this text into a new email message to friends and
family, and help them start using Firefox 4 today.</p>

    <p><b>Email subject line:</b> Firefox 4 is awesome, just like you!</p>

    <p>Dear <kbd>[enter mom/brother/colleague/dog walker/whoever
    <p>It's time we had a little talk about how awesome Mozilla
Firefox 4 is: It's pretty awesome.
    I know you've been missing out, so I'm here to help.</p>

    <p>I've had it for a few weeks now and I can tell you that it
makes my online experience better
    every day. Not surprising since it's made to make the Web a better

    <p>So here are some helpful tips to get Firefox 4 and see all the
awesomeness for yourself:</p>

      <li>Download this step-by-step guide to installing Firefox (I
repeat: easy):<br/>
        <a href="<?= $lang
title="Download this PDF (1MB)">PDF Install guide for Mac</a><br/>
        <a href="<?= $lang
?>/firefox/webhero/Firefox4_Installation_Guide_PC.pdf" title="Download
this PDF (1.5MB)">PDF Install guide for PC</a>
      <li>Take the tour and see the best Firefox 4 has to offer:
        <a href="<?= $lang
?>/firefox/central"><?= $lang
      <li>Or watch a video or two about the latest features:
        <a href="<?= $lang
?>/firefox/video"><?= $lang

    <p>OK, now you've got it. So you're not only getting the best the
Web has to offer, you're also
    helping make sure that it stays open, accessible, transparent,
safe and — most of all — awesome.
    Pretty cool, right? That's because Mozilla Firefox values
principles over profit and answers to
    no one but you.</p>

    <p>Oh, and if all that seems like too much, I'd be happy to come
over and install it for you.
    We could have a coffee, hang out and catch up. It just wouldn't be
fair to keep Firefox 4 all
    to myself.</p>

    <p>Yours in better browsing,</p>

    <p><kbd>[Enter your name here]</kbd></p>

Calquera axuda benvida será, sobre todo para as cadeas con traducións
máis imaxinativas. As cousas en Mozilla sempre son así, as présas.


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