I don't think that would be very hard at all.  All you need is something 
like a listbox or combobox with the possible functions, and an edit  
field to type the text for the card. Then a button for ok, cancil, 
clear, etc.
When done it would write out the text file. Not more than a day or two 
to whip up.
 Phil Vlasak wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Yes you would need a series of data fields at the top of each card such as,
> money added to player
> money taken from player
> location moved to
> and special ones like
> percentage of money taken from player
> get out of jail
>  So you would probably need a card editor or creator program that would give 
> a list of possibilities and an edit field to put in the correct numbers.
> Than a way to check if the card and the data was correct.
> Sounds like a very difficult task!
> Phil

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