Oh, yes. Mario will take a long time to code. Aside from drawing the 32 
different levels everything is interactive. Blocks you can walk on them 
or break them to get mushrooms, coins, and flowers.
Then, there are pipes that take you somewhere else on the level. There 
are warps that will take you to another level early.
You smash enemies when you jump on them, and some you have to simply 
jump over.
If you kick the Coopas they will plow over everything in there way 
smashing other enemies if they are in their way, and roll on you if they 
roll in your direction.
The fire gift can destroy just about everything that you don't like.
Anyway, point is it would take a long time to code the relationships 
between everything.

Yohandy wrote:
> You should probably do one of the classic games like Mario 3, 2, etc. just 
> like is happening with monti. not all of us had sight, and it would be 
> totally cool to play the original. that may take an awfully long time to 
> program, but it would be worth it.

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