Hi, Ari.
Any beginners programming book should get you introduced to basic 
programming concepts such as variables, functions, operators, etc.
I'll tell you right off the biggist problem is not actually learning it. 
It is the fear you can't or the belief you can not do it, and you get so 
tensed up, so worried, you learn slower as a result.

ari wrote:
> Hi Liam,
> I think the first thing to actually ask is Adrift Tads and Inform clearly
> seem to involve programming. Is their an etext which would actually explain
> programming to the total beginner, at least enough so that I can write a
> text adventure. I might be going on a programming course next year, but I
> really know nothing, I don't even know scripting with JFW, so is their
> something that can explain all these things.
> Ari
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