Hello everyone. Please read this carefully as it contains important 
information regarding the list.

>From time to time we are still seeing messages meant for this list going 
to the old gamers list. More often than not it happens to Outlook 
Express users because of the fact that an addressbook entry can be 
called anything you want: IE blind gamers, and it will not show the 
eemail address the addressbook is set to. However, this is not to say 
that it cannot happen to non-outlook express users.

So, my suggestion would be to go into your address books and make sure 
that the entry for the gamers list here whether you call it blindgamers, 
gamers, or whoopa whoopa is pointing to the correct email address. What 
I imagine has happened is that more than one blindgamers entry is there. 
One for gamers@audyssey.org and one for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just an fyi to make sure your posts come here where they should and not 
to the closed list.

If you think the problem is bad now, just wait until we've solved it.
                -- Arthur Kasspe
Raul A. Gallegos ... IliwSsmc

Gamers mailing list .. Gamers@audyssey.org
To unsubscribe send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can visit
http://audyssey.org/mailman/listinfo/gamers_audyssey.org to make
any subscription changes via the web.

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