The ability to have and use magical powers is totally dependant on how 
you rolled your characters stats. In general your ora, and spirit, rolls 
need to be in the teens or higher. Even then a relm of magic is no good 
until you train it up to skillful or higher.
For example, my Sryth character is working in the relm of fordification. 
It somewhat worked once I hit level 20, but before that it was about 
useless. By the time fordification hit 30 or so it was useful as a 
power. Until then you need to be skilled in weapons and take on a more 
warlike character. That is why melee and stamina rolls as well as might 
are important for the game.

MissWings wrote:
> Hi all.
> Someone gave a link to this game yesterday and I signed up for it and 
> really like it so far.  I was just wondering, how would go about getting 
> magical powers to use?  I didn't see an option for that when I set up my 
> character.  I was kind of wondering if joining the adventurer's guild is 
> worth the money too ... if anyone's done that and can give what the 
> difference is between that and regular playing I wouldn't mind knowing 
> about it.  If this is off topic anyone can write me off list.  My e-mail 
> address is
> Thanks all.
> MissWings

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