Hi Shaun,
As far as stations replicating weapons I am still officially undecided 
on the matter, but it may be likely I'll be returning it to the game. 
After all it is still in the game code, and just commented out. So 
returning it is not a big deal.
Just remember though Starbases have a massive weapons update. They carry 
3000 photons and 15000 quantums each to begin with.
There is allot of factors that make STFC more advanced than the version 
you have now. For example, I am putting back in the hull damage stuff. 
That way even if shields go down you have to physically destroy the 
ship. When hull damage reaches 100 or their warp core blows it is 
history for that ship.
So let's look at this in the matter of mines. Mines in STFC are not 
handled like the ones in Trek 2k. These mines are not all destructive 
devices. If you hit one your shields may drop some and a system may be 
temperarily damaged. Not good, but nothing faytal for the most part.
 However, if your shields are down at the time of mine impact and that 
is another matter. You may very well blow up, or have a nice hull breech 
or systems so damaged so bad you have to be drug from the sight with a 
tractor beam. Grin.
As for finding a cloaked mine I haven't come up with a good strategy for 
it although a tachion scan would help a starship in locating cloaked 
objects such as ships and mines.

shaun everiss wrote:
> tom could you please add back the ability for stations to replicate torpedos?
> It aint fair while we are busting the borg that we run out of power.
> Granted I know stations have a load of stuff already, but could it be 
> like that if a station drops to its last 100 torps of either class 
> that it will make more?
> The borg are going to be really hard now man.
> On the other hand you have sertainly beefed everything else up to 
> handle this stuff.
> My only other question, is how we will be able to avoid or destroy the mines.

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