That's actually not a bad idea dennis.

there used to be a universal forum registration system, whereby you could effectively create a username and account on a general server, and then use this to validate other methods (we had it on for a while), the problem was, other services didn't use it, making it a little pointless.

Still, if google setup a similar universal account system requiring mail address, username and password which could be used on other sites rather the way googlecurrently farm their captcha service out to other sites, that would go a good way to creating a nicely accessible system, since if google! used it odds are other people would to.

Beware the Grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Towne" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] captcha

In addition to AA, I also run the AA wiki and forums, and I've
completely given up on capchas.  They're really just ineffective, and
even really hard ones still let through more spam accounts than I

We use something a lot stronger.

For forum registration, we currently only require a valid player name
from Alter Aeon.  This makes sense, as really only AA players should
be using it.  Simply requiring a valid player name, with no capitals,
cuts out more spam than any capcha I've ever seen.  That said, we
still get maybe half a dozen spam registrations per year, when they
happen to pick a valid player name out of the blue.

For the wiki, we require both a valid player name and the email
associated with that player account.  For something so simple, it's
vastly more effective:  the only spam account we've ever seen on the
wiki was caused by a bug in the email check.

Unfortunately, this really doesn't help other services.  AA
effectively provides a 'whitelist' of allowed accounts, based on who
has created a character - no spammer is going to bother creating an AA
account just so they can spam the wiki (at least not yet.)  But forums
don't really have any way to do that, because you can't verify where
new users came from.  Facebook and other big sites have tried to set
up authentication and login services for other people to use for this
purpose, but unless everyone uses the same one, you're still missing
out on people.

In the future, I'll probably still use the same model, just because I
can.  I'll have easy, capcha free registration in a place that
spammers simply won't bother to hit, then use that registration to
allow access to other services.  I don't know how that model could be
effective for other blind services, but perhaps it's worth thinking

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Charles Rivard <> wrote:
I've challenged such claims.  If the builder says that it is accessible,
show me by using it as if you needed to have that accessibility.  The
management staff where I worked insisted that their software was accessible
to people using screen readers.  They wanted the blind people to speed up
their voice rates to gather the info more quickly.  So a tech put JAWS at
the highest speech rate, turned off the monitor, and played a credit card
number.  He then asked managers to repeat what they heard.  Not even the
blind screen reader users could do it.  Repeating it several times only
wasted time. The speed was then brought down to a reasonable level, and we
could hear and get it the first time it was announced.  Managers still
insisted that we crank JAWS up to increase productivity. This is corporate
logic, which is an oxymoron.

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