Hi, since BSC is such a hot topic this month I decided to take some time to play my favorite game of all. Below is my score. I'm a bit rusty sadly. Oh, and the side scroller losses were done on purpose. the other ones, were not.

***Statistics for Game Started on 4/25/2013 10:10:00 AM

Final Score: 2829784; you got in position 2 in your local top ten
You beat the game! Congratulations!
Difficulty: Normal
Game Duration: 2 hours 21 minutes 9 seconds
Minutes remaining on game clock: 4
Total hammer swings: 1337
Hammer hitting accuracy: 99.2%
You killed 9 thugs on the first bonus level, received 106500 points, and ten extra minutes You killed 11 thugs on the second bonus level, received 132500 points, and ten extra minutes
Number of lives lost: 7
You lost your first life on level 6, which was a sidescrolling steam level.(Killed by a barrel) You lost your second life on level 5, which was a normal pipe level.(Killed by a thug) You lost your third life on level 10, which was a sidescrolling steam level.(Killed by steam) You lost your fourth life on level 13, which was a sidescrolling steam level.(Killed by a barrel) You lost your fifth life on level 13, which was a sidescrolling steam level.(Killed by a sewer lid) You lost your sixth life on level 14, which was an electricity pipe level.(Killed by electricity) You lost your seventh life on level 16, which was the boss level.(Killed by the boss)
You killed 10 Spiders
You killed 2 Rats
You killed 21 Thugs
You avoided 24 steams on sidescroller levels
You avoided 12 electricities on sidescroller levels
You avoided 17 sewer lids on sidescroller levels
You avoided 16 barrels on sidescroller levels
You unlocked a toolbox and received a pack of ammo on level 1
You searched a trashcan and found a construction hat on level 2
You searched a trashcan and found a 60000 point bonus on level 2
You encountered stairs on level 4 but you did not use them
You encountered stairs on level 5 but you did not use them
You searched a trashcan and found a time bonus on level 6
You searched a trashcan and found a can of soda pop on level 6
You unlocked a toolbox and received a bug spray on level 7
You searched a trashcan and found a construction hat on level 8
You unlocked a toolbox and received a 40000 point bonus on level 9
You searched a trashcan and found a bag of potato chips on level 10
You searched a trashcan and found a can of soda pop on level 10
You unlocked a toolbox and received a bug spray on level 11
You encountered stairs on level 12 but you did not use them
You searched a trashcan and found a welding kit on level 13
You searched a trashcan and found a time bonus on level 13
You unlocked a toolbox and received a wrench on level 14

Raul A. Gallegos
No one sits in my spot. - Sheldon Cooper
Twitter and Facebook user ID: rau47

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