Hi Charles,

I should hope so. Upon coming home aafter a day with the wife and kids
and finding my inbox over flowing with this argument I naturally went
and located the message that had everyone up in arms and read it
carefully. My initial read and subsequent reads
found Milos post poorly worded, but I was pretty certain his intention
was not that of someone actually advocating piracy. I see where some
like Bryan and yourself took it the wrong way, but the difference was
I came at it with an open mind, no set opinion on what it said, and
found the message was a bit ambiguous and chucked it up to a failure
to clearly communicate the thought. So I hope we can now lay this
argument to rest and move on with life.

On 6/23/13, Charles Rivard <wee1s...@fidnet.com> wrote:
> Wow!  If this is the case, I really and truly apologize for what I sent to
> the list!
> --
> If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling
> errors!

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