Hi Thomas,
You are probably right...
But it doesn't mean that I have to like it.
And while it is not really game relevant in a direct manner, it should be mentioned somewhere, since we had talks about what platforms game developers should or should not support in the near future. And what I don't get is why it is seemingly super easy and cheap to get nearly all current Acapela voices for Mac for personal use, while it is nearly impossible to do it for Windows. If the major screen reader companies would make deals like with Nuance, then I still could get German children's voices or an Australian English female v voice, even if it was limited to one program... But not even that seems to be possible to keep with that example, because the voices I mentioned are sold freely for MAC, but neither free (SAPI) nor a limited (non SAPI) variant can be bought (at the moment). And when I say that something can't be bought I do not mean that I can't afford it, I mean it is not available. I know of JAWS 15 and IOS 7 and that both will bring new voices for their respective products. But it is still not nice when you know what there is and you can't buy it as simple as buying your newest Microsoft Office, Windows or whatever. And that is technically not even limited to blind users, because you can use speech products for lots of purposes, some commercial, and others are non commercial.

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