I aggree, we almost need to have a safety buffer of info or something.
ideally we would need to have so much info we couldn't publish in one mag.
Every few issues maybe 2-3 we would pull things out and put them up.
But we could have a safety valve of 2-3 issues to cover any holes, ofcause thats going to be quite hard to keep active. One way we could have is several editors and several of those have the power to publish. They would be in constant communication, and could role over responsibility should it be needed to publish what they had, maybe if a local submtion point was made to be able to publish what was there who knows.
we need a restructure thats for sure.

At 02:06 AM 10/30/2013, you wrote:
There are people who did not subscribe to the Audyssey list or who did not have the time to look through a forum who could use the quarterly magazine as a way to keep abreast of what is going on in the gaming community. Also, there were features in the mag that couldn't be found elsewhere. I think there is interest in the magazine, but we haven't gotten any issues due to the lack of an editor. To avoid such problems in the future, I think there should be an editor and an assistant editor who can jump in and take over if the editor, for one reason or another, cannot get the next issue published. Also, I think that they should be willing to actually edit, rather than just pasting someone's work into a publication, as sloppiness of writing such as spelling and grammar are a reflection on the publication.

Some thought has been given to change the format into an audio format, such as a podcast, so to be up with current technology. I wouldn't mind this if an HTML format also still exists. Magazines should be read, not heard. Thanks.

(Sent from my iPhone)

> On Oct 29, 2013, at 3:51 AM, "Darren Harris" <darren_g_har...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> I'm not even sure it's worth having the mag now. I mean, the blind friendly
> games only get exposure for example if people find their way to the list or
> the site. Considering that a magazeen is meant to increase exposure of a
> given topic it fell down there in a massive way because no outlets were ever
> used to put the mag out to anybody and everybody regardless of format.
> It's all well and good to post the mag to the list and then have it archived
> somewhere but apart from that the mag didn't really do that much. Not for
> the market anyway for the simple reason that there was no form of exposure.
> ---
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