Hi Lori.

I've not tried the new version yet sinse I don't have the old version on this laptop and would need new keys, however perhaps I can answer your question.

Your infantry will rome until they have discovered as much of the map as they can, ie, the hole island if your on an island. After this using the patrol command will essentially have them scout around your current teretory, which is a good idea if you don't want to station them at a particular place (though it's always a good idea to station some units around).

There did used to be a cities menue, but I don't recall the command, however the context sensative menue is absolutely awsome, and means you can for example look at any given spot on the map or the position of a known enemy unit and find the closest city, or unit etc. This uses the applications key or I believe F10, and is a massively useful tool. Indeed I'd go as far as saying it's the most inervative accessible map I've seen and is an awsome way of being able to manage really huge maps even if your spacial coordination is as dire as mine is :D.

Beware the grue!


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