Hi Charlse.

I don't remember the hook feature (certainly not in the demo), but on skill levels if I remember rightly you can still just count the eeps, indeed when I was playing on harder skill levels I didn't find the demo that much harder than the easier ones sinse the speed was the same and all I had to do was imagine where the beeps would be in my mind, just as I'd work out where I'd come in in a song by thinking what the introduction sounded like even if I was singing acapella. Of course, this might just be me.

Regarding voice chatmy issue isn't so much that that isn't an option, only that for people who don't use voice chat anyway, don't have the equipment and aren't that interested in using it, it's not really viable to say "well the game is multiplayer if you have all of these things" not when compared to say pontes backgammon, or the various playrooms that need nothing but the software itself for an online game, indeed if Mississippi had an online play option I likely would have bought the game.

Beware the grue!


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