What ever version of ID9 you get it won't install to xp, because the software support is just not there.

At 08:40 AM 7/31/2014, you wrote:
Hi John,

Ahem...there is no such thing. I can assure you there is no official
versions of Internet Explorer 9 or 10 for XP. There may be a hacked
version out there created by a third-party, and if so you get a hack
rather than an officially supported upgrade to the browser. Personally
I'd recommend staying away from hacks like this, because who knows
what you'll get by installing unofficial upgrades onto your system.

That said, what you said about support is correct. A warning that this
or that site may not be supported by your browser doesn't mean no
access to the site. It just means some possible reduced functionality
in the sites ASP or Javascript.  Sometimes it may be a deal breaker,
but often times not. All those warnings really mean is that the site
owner can't assure the end user their site will work completely with
the browseer the user is using. It all depends on what plugins, script
languages, etc is being used.


On 7/31/14, john <jpcarnemo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Note that end of support doesn't (always) mean that you won't be able to use
> the site at all. My braillenote runs ie 6, and most sites still work. That
> said, there may not be a version of ie that works with xp above 8. Try
> googling ie 9-10-11 for
> windows xp.

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