The other point of the article charlse that I found quite interesting, was the fact that a lot of those styles of games that have you check in occasionally, do a bit of mindless clicking for experience and go back are closer to the mechanical process of a slot machine, than a true resource management game where your actively thinking about the world and where to put things, that the game has gone more into generating cash by actively encouraging you to spend time through mindless clicking than to give you a serious challenge and entertinament.

I've certainly seen my share of games that have nothing in gameplay but dayly clicks and yet have custom currencies and very expensive purchices that do not a lot but increase time.

Of course this isn't to say all games are like That. Solara has it's share of tactics, as well as lots of fun stuff like described artwork, stories and dayly challenges that have nothing to do with making you pay for Esper, but as I said I've seen far too many games that don't have these factors.

I've been recently trying out Lords and knights, and while it undoubtedly has a major element of resource management and pvp for those who are interested in such, it also does have some of the hallmarks of this style of play, for example going back every so often and needing just to click a few buttons to get your in game resources, as well as some pretty pointless uses for gold, though Lords and Knights is still very up front about when you are and aren't needing to use paid currency.

Beware the greu1


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