Hi Dark,

Yeah, I don't know how long the hunt and peck method of input will
last either, but I agree with your point that for those sorts of
people using a touchscreen probably isn't much different. One hunt and
peck system is probably as good as another. Its only the professional
and semi-professionals who know how to type who will notice the
difference in speed and efficiency.

As for the word abbreviations textspeak, netspeak, etc whatever you
want to call that too is also a factor. Since people can't type or
simply don't want to type out fully formed words on Facebook, Twitter,
and other social media I suspect we are going to see a lot more of
that besides the usual things like oic, lol, brb, etc. As long as
people confine it to their Twitter feed or Facebook page I don't mind
as much, but when I see it in e-mail posts that is when I get a bit
annoyed since I'd like people to actually spell words rather than
trying to read sentences composed of gibberish.

In any case your point is a good one. With the lack of formal training
in typing, people's tendencies these days to shorten everything to
three and four letter abbreviations, I suspect many sighted people
probably don't notice a difference in using a touchscreen over the use
of a full sized keyboard the way a blind person would.

On 4/1/15, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom.
> Your probably correct that as people learn typing in  school, the  "hunt and
> peck" as you call it type of thing will drop out of favour, though unless
> someone is a professional and needs to take dictation or frequently  type
> long peaces of work how long it will continue and whether someone would just
> go back to what is for sighted people the more natural method of looking at
> the keys I don't know.
> Either way, my point was just that this is probably   one area where the
> touch screen phone system would be equal to a keyboard for most people, ----
> indeed with the   increasing frequency of text short, abbreviated speech and
> such I do wonder if things are perhaps going a bit far ther other way.
> Beware the Grue!
> Dark.

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