Hi Shaun,

Giving Jim's games a standard Windows installer would be no problem.
That would be a fairly simple solution to the Program Files folder
issue. It was something I wanted to do for a long time, but Jim was
apposed to the idea when he was a live. However, in light of the fact
someone else might be taking over the distribution and support for his
games now we might be able to introduce a different method of


On 8/7/15, Shaun Everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well I suppose someone will have to host his stuff, its a good question
> though.
> I have most of his stuff, I plan to download it and archive it and back
> it up somewhere if that ever happens but it does need to be mirrored
> somewhere at least the stuff that can be mirrored.
> with win 10 at least unless uac is off, program files folder will be not
> usable so maybe if someone can get all the files, extract them, and then
> have an installer put them in the local user folder or maybe as a
> portable package or something I don't know but yeah we need to sort that
> out.

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