No, open source is not more vulnerable to viruses - if anything, its less 
Yes, you can view and modify a copy of the code.
This can teach you how the code works, so if there are bugs, you might be 
able to exploit them.
On the other hand, if there are bugs, users can report them more easily.
Being able to modify a copy of the code does not mean you can get that 
modified code distributed - you only have a copy, not the official source. 
Certainly, I could write a piece of code and include it in a package and 
then give a virus to everybody I could convince to run my modified code, but 
that's about as far as it can go.
A perfect example of open source software is  - or was - the encryption 
software true crypt. This was used industry wide - corporations, governments 
and individuals all relied on it, for a really long period of time. True 
crypt was the gold standard - if you wanted high quality data security, you 
used it, and if you wanted the code, you could get it.
In fact, part of the reason true crypt was as widely used as it was is that 
it was audited by independent security professionals, something which isn't 
possible without seeing the code.
Basically what this all boils down to is that open source is just as secure 
as anything else - it all depends on the distribution mechanism used and, 
more importantly, how well the code's written.

From: "Charles Rivard" <>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 13:31
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] blindfold airhockey is now out

Aren't they more vulnerable to having a virus put into them?  I know that
the closed system of Apple is more secure in this way.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
you! really! are! finished! 

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