All equipment, gold and credits remain yours when you restart. Experience, 
levels, stats etc are reset.

From: "dark" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:28
To: <>
Subject: [Audyssey] Alteraeon stuck


I've not played alter for a very long time, and I realize the reason why. 
there was a massive shift a while ago and lots of changes, like the altering 
of clerrics from wisdom to charisma, and I never got around to restarting 
Thelok or deciding where exactly I was, indeed I've not played for so long I 
do feel I ought to restart things (I was level 26 after all and I know Slo 
and Kordon have changed sinse I went through them).

I do wonder though, rather than just letting thelok sit there with no 
bennifits, is there a way to reclaime something if I restarted the 

Could I for example get back the practices and weightless bag I bought for 
thelok and use them on a new character, or maybe even convert thelok into xp 
I could use later.

i just realized this morning when thinking about muds that this has got me 
out of the way of playing alter and I've missed out for rather too long, 
which is a shame, so it's time for a new start, but if that new start could 
get something from what I spent previously that would be helpful.

If not, fare enough I'll just start a new char and go on from there.

All the best,

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