Ok folks
Here's another word that fascinates me. Game controls. Its really
interesting.  Devs, correct me on this one if I'm wrong.
Folks, can you compare dialogue box controls with game controls? A control
in a dialogue box is anything you can tab to in that dialogue box, well a
static box is also a dialogue box control but you can't tab to it.
So anything, list boxes,  edit boxes, anything in a dialogue is called a
Also, the system menu in a program containing options such as minimize,
maximize and close is called a control menu.
But what can we classify as controls in games? Can I say that the movement
of my character is called a control?
Why did some devs chose to use the word control instead of element?
Lets take sod for example. Can I say that each room in a level of sod is
called  a control?
Why did programmers chose to  use the word control in a dialogue box in any
case? Its not a word that will make sense to the man on the street. The man
on the street will know what you are talking about if you refer to a field
in a dialogue box.
In normal English control means you take control of something, I control my
child. You're in charge of it, you're taking control of it.
So can we call movement in a game a game control? Can I sayh that the
function of firing a gun is also a game control?
Why did devs also chose to  refer to  game  elements as game controls?
Its just very interesting

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