Hi all,
  I have been playing the online web based game Popomundo for several months 
now, and in my opinion, it has something for just about everyone that enjoys 
accessible games.
  The game is centered on you moving your music band up through the ranks, 
but you aren't forced to take any particular path in your online life, you 
can be a doctor, police, business tycoon, whatever.
  The game is the most accessible online game I have ever played, and the 
developers work hard at keeping it that way.  I have talked back and forth 
with the developers of the game several times, and they are very responsive 
to adding features that are screenreader friendly.
  I have a very successful club in the game located in Paris, and I am 
willing to give any blind player a high paying job there if they want it, 
just message me in game and let me know.  My CEO of the club is a fellow 
blink, and she does a great job.
  Additionally, I have just set up a tribe for blind players in the game 
called Tribe Blinks, this allows us our own forum in game to discuss aspects 
of playing the game blind.  Again, if you want to join the tribe, message me 
in game.
  My name in the game is Gerry Johnson, just go to the search page and you 
can find me quickly.
  If you want to check the game out go to
  The game is free to play, though you get some extra features if you become 
VIP for $3 a month.
  Later taters,

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