Hi Nicol,

I'm holding down shift while moving but each time when I drink a magical
potion and I walk through a room with monsters in it, its as if I am unable
to run.
End quote

Personally,I can't see anything in the code to account for this problem. 
Does this happen all the time or just sometimes. For example, I've 
noticed on my laptop when my system resources, memory, etc is low do to 
other background processes on Vista the game will begin acting weird. 
Step sounds will slow, etc for a while. On my desktop still runnning XP 
no problems like that happen.
However, I most often find this issue when you are running any processor 
intensive tsr applications like antivirous, screen readers, antispyware 
software that slows down cpu processes. I generally turn those 
applications off while gaming, and restart them after I am done gaming.

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