Hi Charles,
Oh, I see. Yeah, to an outsider the registry might seam pretty 
complicated and mysterious. However, I've been working with it for about 
three months and I now have a pretty good grasp of how every thing is 
organized, and how to manually add, change, and remove keys. It really 
actually is simpler than a lot of people believe once you get the basic 
concept of where everything is and how it works. That said, I wouldn't 
recommend playing around in there if you don't know what you are doing.
For example, in Windows Vista there is a very annoying Window that comes 
up called the Windows Welcome Center. You can not turn it off, because 
Microsoft doesn't want you to. Instead they would rather have it in the 
way annoying you as you work. Well, I went into the registry with my new 
found know-how and I am no longer bothered with the Welcome Center 
coming up every time I start my computer. It is a dead Windows service. 
he he he he he.
As my friend yogi Bear always says, "I'm smarter than the average bear."

Charles Rivard wrote:
> Just the way it is built on sort of a treelike structure.  I only mentioned 
> it because of how it is said to be very complex to navigate and make changes 
> if necessary, and the danger of doing it wrong, and for orneriness.
> ---
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> please, feel free ... to stand in front of them!

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