Hi Bryan,
It really all depends on how much the company wants to protect their 
copyrights. Some copyrights like Packman are still technically valid, 
but they also have sort of fallen out of day to day gaming view. 
Something like Tomb Raider or Star Wars is still quite active, and might 
be a bigger copyright to protect.
The only card we have as blind gamers is to pull the I am blind and poor 
me trick. Generally, we don't want to play the old sympathy card, but it 
is the only one that might cover our butts. Anyone want to do it and try 
and get away with it with Lucas, Edos, or anyone else?

Bryan wrote:
> I wonder the same thing about PCS and Draconis, both of whom used Pacman 
> sounds and music in their games.
> Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

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