Hi Shadow Dragon and list,
First, if you have a problem with the number of posts I am writing, 
don't like something I say, disagree with something I said, etc please 
take it up with me off list privately. You can always reach me privately 
off list at
rather than dragging the entire list into it. If you want to send a 
message to me as well as my fellow list moderator you can send the 
message to the
address and Kevin, Raul, and I will all recieve it at the same time.
Second, I will freely admit that I do a lot of heavy posting on this 
list, and I apologise if you have been upset by the number of posting i 
do on this list. As far as I am aware this list is here for everyones 
enjoyment, there  are no rules to how much or how little anyone can 
post, and I was merely acting upon my freedom of speech to interact with 
the fellow list members here.
Third, contrary to the message below I do not respond to every single 
email on this list. I respond to a lot of them, but certainly not every 
post. I most definitely do not

write "350000 messages per day," which is a little bit of stretching the truth 
don't you think?
Fourth, I still do programming, but I often take breaks to stop into the list 
to see what is happening. I am on this list for my personal enjoyment, and I 
enjoy reading all the posts that are not flaming me publically. 

Finally, if you had come to me privately you might have discovered I am 
a nice enough guy to listen to your request. Yes, in the future I will 
try and tone down my messages for the lists sake, but in the future all 
I ask from you guys is to come to me off list before getting on the list 
tossing a hissy fit.

Shadow Dragon wrote:
> I'm tired of deleting 350000 messages per day, most of them by Ward and now 
> Tyler whatever. You guys really need a life. Ward, you should be working on 
> your games, not constantly sitting on the list, replying to every single 
> email that happens to come over the list. I mean seriously. Good god dude. I 
> think Tyler's viing for your position in the top of the babble report. Do you 
> even code at all? You don't have to reply to every single message on the 
> list. You complain about one-liners and me too messages, but what you're 
> doing is worse. Anyway, just wanted to put in my two cents. You can put me on 
> moderated status or whatever.
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> http://audyssey.org/mailman/listinfo/gamers_audyssey.org.
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
> please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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