to be honest the computer is an idiot, sinse he buys up everything when he 
doesn't have the cash.

Generally when I play, I own a few properties, which are all built up with 
hotels etc, and the computer owns three quarters of the board, but can't 
collect rent on them because they're all morgaged to the bank, and the game 
just turns into waiting for the computer to slip up on my properties enough 
times, ---- which can be a really long process (I've never actually finished 
a game this way).

When we play monopoly, when a property is morgaged, it then goes back to a 
free square that anyone can buy, thus the successfull player really does get 
to own more of the board, and the game is over more quickly.

I very much would like to see that rule available as an option in the game 
in future, sinse imho it would imrpvoe things a lot, ----- especially with 
the computer's crazy habbit of buying everything in site and bankrupting 

beware the Grue!


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