Good for you Thomas. And good luck.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 5:42 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] My final message about 3D games and side-scrollers.

> Hello everyone,
> First, I would like to clear up a couple of matters I said under
> emotional distress in some prier emails. In a previous email to the list
> I had mentioned I might leave the list and stop producing games. In
> truth I really like making games most of the time, but the stress over
> Montezuma's Revenge and Raceway are beginning to get to me emotionally,
> physically, and effecting my  family life in a major way. As a result
> until these titles are completed I am likely to withdraw from lots of on
> list activities and discussions. I really do not need people challenging
> my credibility, integrity, and respect over something as foolish is
> weather to make the game a 3D adventure or a classic 2D side-scroller.
> That is just being very one-sided in my opinion.
> Second, as for the 3D Tomb Hunter games it is something I am very
> excited about creating, and someday when these two James North titles
> are behind us I will be able to take them up again without retribution.
> At the moment I can not proceed with USA Games real goals until i dig
> myself out of the hole James North and his games barried me in.
> Third, as for the side-scroller promised to you by James North
> unfortunately as per my agreement to the copyright holders I can not,
> will not, make a clone of Montezuma's Revenge. I will however create a
> treasure hunting side-scroller with some similar elements for you, to
> settle up my accounts with you guys, and you will have absolutely no say
> so in its storry, creation, or be able to make comments on it. I will do
> it my way or not at all.
> Frankly, I am sick and tired of being pulled in two different directions
> about this game. There is those that think like me that the game should
> be updated to be more like games of today. There is the Atari fan croud
> that want the game to be exactly along the Atari 2600 style games with
> total authenticity. Obviously, it is impossible to please both so I am
> not even going to try.
> What I will do for you side-scroller fans is create a side-scroller, my
> way, with my ideas, and if you don't like it tough luck. The only way I
> will commit to going back and creating that game again from scratch is
> if I have total creativity and say so in how it is made and how it
> works. You see, if it isn't enjoyable to me I don't make it. It is that
> simple.
> Forth, before anyone asks about a time frame all I will commit to is it
> is ready when it is ready weather it takes 6 months, 1 year, or two.
> Last time I burned myself out trying to meet deadlines and get the game
> done as fast as humanly possible. No longer. From this time forward I
> will put the game on a set schedule. The minute my timer goes off for
> the day I quit, walk the dog, eat supper, play with my kids, watch tv,
> etc and will forget about the game work for the day. No more of this
> staying up an extra hour or two at night to get in a few extra things
> done or whatever.
> I've already started at looking at new ideas for the game and it is for
> all intents and purposes going to be a totally different side-scroller.
> Over the passed couple of hours I have began researching a possible plot
> and there are a couple I am thinking of. One of the more interesting
> plot lines would place Angela in Egypt looking for some famous Egyption
> artifact or scroll. One reason I am thinking of Egypt is I have a lot of
> Egyptian background since I am a amature historian, and have always been
> facenated by the pyramids and underground toombs in the Valley Of the 
> Kings.
> Another reason is Egypt has always made for some cool treasure hunting
> adventures. Mummies, skeleton warriors, rattle snakes, and crocodiles,
> make some fearsome foes. So perhaps I might start there.
> ---
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