personally I think that agm is history.
Ok good concept but its a total piece of crap when compaired to the klango 
Not only that but klango actually has got better since the crappy gaming 
software it is.
There are some issues running it on my system but eventually I will try again.
At 02:50 a.m. 1/08/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Thomas!
>To say one word about the AGM:
>My friend, is a good computer man.
>He has sended an e-mail to the developers and he has asked them for the 
>surce code of AGM because he's interested to continiuing the work.
>But the people have sayed "no, we don't do that!"
>The developers have bringed a product sorry for saying that, we couldn't 
>And here comes a friendly guy who wants to continiuing the work!
>Why dear developers you don't give him the surce code?
>Best regards,
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