Hello all!
I now present you with the link to Eamon for the microsoft disk operating system!

And folks? I think e know the best screen reader to play the game on I'm sure.
Here is a tip before diving in to the adventure:
Save the file of course in an easy location, but after you have located the file, right click/open context menu, and if you have "7-zip," go to its sub-menu, and choose the option "extract here." Once done, it produces a "PC_Eamon" folder, which I myself renamed it to "eamon" by pressing "f2" on the "pc_eamon" folder. After that, move the "eamon" folder to your "c" drive, then enter the "dos/command prompt," and type:
cd \eamon
then on the next, type
And there you go!
And now, e just wait for "Draconis" for there "magic touch!"
*salutes to Josh!*

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