aah maybe this is why I die.
I thought the iron armour was better as I found it later than the brass one.
I'll restart.
Before I died though I managed to get the miny gun, quite good.
Its a pitty one can't kill everything including flying things with blades 
I like my blades!
At 06:39 a.m. 22/11/2008, you wrote:
>Its completely possible to just run past them. I beat chapter 3 the second 
>time without killing a single mosquito. You just have to pay really close 
>attention to exact sounds and sometimes count your steps. And make sure you 
>have the brass armor so they essentially can't hurt you. But yeah, it is one 
>of the reasons if I could get ahold of the dev, I'd suggest allowing multiple 
>sounds to play at once, especially if he expects you to get through situations 
>like that.
>From: "shaun everiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 8:21 AM
>To: <gamers@audyssey.org>
>Subject: [Audyssey] night of parasite chapter 3
>>I just defeated the beast woman and got loads of stuff.
>>However Every door out of there I get para mosquitos at me.
>>The problem being that I can not get access to the objects in that hall 
>>without killing them.
>>I know one needs a pestaside gun for this and that the final boss requires 
>>killing by these things.
>>On a serious note, I wander if the next version could have one able to use a 
>>blade on these to, they cover objects and get in the way, and its all well 
>>and good running away but if I want the objects that are in their way then I 
>>have an issue.
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