Legends of Itheria

Character Classes


Alignment: Good.
Weapons: Light.
Armor: Light.
Magic: Illusion.
Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, Lore, Weaponry.
Description: Bards are story tellers, singers, dancers, acrobats and musicians. They are the men and women who have taken the performing class to the extreme and molded it into a profitable lifestyle. It is through bards that much of the past is understood and that heroes are remembered. Bards exist in almost every society in Itheria, and are almost always welcome in most cities and taverns. Inn keepers often seek them out and do offer free room and board in return for desirable performances and a full
tavern hall.
All bards are proficient in one or two types of small or medium sized instruments, such as a flute, drum, lute, guitar, violin, lyre, panpipes or harp. They are also capable of some acrobatic feats, and are well suited for general tumbling, dancing, and contortion. Some bards have learned advanced skills by taking their learning
further and developed these skills into their secondary class.
Not all bards are capable of using magic and little train in its use given the expense of magic training. However some have taken up learning magic, delving into the inner workings of illusion and/or spirit magic. A bard can only cast a small number of spells, and none of these being arcane. Their magic consists of charms and illusions rather than the more dramatic spells that wizards and sorcerers use. They can encourage allies, hold their audiences rapt with the sound of their voice and dazzle with fanciful illusions. A bard adapt with spirit magic can even attempt to counter magical effects
that rely on speech or sound.
Bards listen to stories as well as they tell them, of course, so they typically have a deep knowledge of local events and noteworthy items. Most bards aren't that strong physically, given that their profession relies on dexterity and stamina. So in dangerous situations they rely on the best methods suited for them to get out of it; they run away or they use their intellect. In some cases bards will learn minor forms of self defense and can be quite proficient in the use of short swords, daggers and knives. Because the bard relies on the generosity of those they perform for to gain their pay, and a frightening bard is by no means going to earn coin. It is no wonder that most bards are generally good looking, clean and have a spark in their personality.


Alignment: Holy.
Weapons: Light.
Armor: Medium.
Magic: Fortification, Ilusion, Restoration.
Skills: Arcana, Combat, Lore, Weaponry.
Description: Clerics are spiritual beings, linked to their deity through their selfless

and faith. As a cleric you will act as a moral compass. Clerics derive their magic from

their gods,
and so they will always be equipped with a Divine magic.
A cleric has the benefits of both fighting and spell casting, being moderately skilled in both aspects. But don’t let this fool you, for a cleric is a cunning and surprisingly skilled opponent. A cleric’s spell set is not as vast or large as a bishop’s, and their fighting skills aren’t as advanced as those of a Paladin. The cleric, by all accounts, is a medium between their fellow Divine users. Clerics can heal minor to moderate wounds, purify water, negate hexes or disabling spells cast on allies, create defensive magic shields and enhance their weapons and abilities. Evil clerics can cause moderate wounds, place temporary disabling spells on opponents, and even heal-
though in a much more painful manner.
Clerics are also capable of using one other magic type, and often many specialize in an element. They would use these for shields and weapon enhancements. Some would
use the benefits of spirit magics, others creation or even illusion.
In order to cast their spells and keep their Divine spell abilities clerics do have to devote time to honor their gods at least once a day, performing a praying ceremony, or in some instances – particularly for evil clerics, a sacrifice (typically an animal). Clerics can wreak great havoc with their chosen weapon, and are also adapt at using shields. Their skills in battle are more geared for the defensive, using their fighting tactics in combination with their magic to protect and aid themselves and/or those around them. They don’t rush headlong into battle, but use their wits and tactical
knowledge to take up a good position against an enemy.


Alignment: Any.
Weapons: Any.
Armor: Any.
Magic: Any.
Skills: Any.
Description: A person living their day to day lives, working hard for themselves or their

doing practical work are the common folk. These people are your next door neighbor, a farmer in the field, the pretty seamstress, the blacksmith, a baker, a bar maid, the local tavern keeper or a merchant. They are the average people who make the village, town or city they live in function, and are the most important factor in a good steady
Commoners are typically not fighters or magic users, but they can fight fiercely for what they believe in and are ready to bear arms when needed. Some are educated
in some fashion, learning to read and write in common, while others are not.
Many take on family businesses and carry the line from father to son, mother to daughter. Many commoners have a sense of humility to them, not being frivolous with their hard earned wealth, and take joy in small pleasures. They can marry whom they choose,
though some families often try to make smart matches.
Commoners can advance to a different primary class if they are trained.


Alignment: Good.
Weapons: Light.
Armor: Medium.
Magic: Restoration.
Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, Lore, Woodsmanship.
Description: A healer is a person who invests their lives in the study of plants. How they apply these findings is dependent on the healer. Most do it to aid society, others for harm. They create balms, ointments, powders, teas, antidotes, remedies and natural
tonics for medicinal use using all natural ingredients.
Many healers take their trade even further, specializing in medical procedures, and so the majority of healers are what many would call a sort of medicine man/woman. The level of these can vary, from basic knowledge of tending the sick and injured,
to a skilled master knowing how to perform full scale surgeries.
Healers don't hate the use of magic, especially when they see the good it can do, but they believe that natural means are superior to those of the supernatural. Healers are not afraid to get down and in the dirt or climb a mountain in order
to find a plant for their needs.


Alignment: Good.
Weapons: Any.
Armor: Any.
Magic: Any.
Skills: Combat, Diplomacy, Horsemanship, Weaponry.
Description: Knights are charismatic figures, strong, revered and/or feared for their

They are often the focus of stories and legends, a favored subject for bards to relay to their attentive and expectant audience. Knights are indeed strong and brave, but knights vary as much as any class based on their skills, what they fight for and
who they fight for.
The majority of all Knights are sworn to the service of a King or lord, and are of noble birth that can be traced back many generations. Sometimes, though rarely, some are part of a brother/sisterhood, sect or group that holds some form of prominence.
An example of these would be the Devout Knights, or even the Dominion.
The Knight is a true tank in battle, and can take hits that most classes could never withstand. A Knight surpasses the typical warrior standard, learning the sword as well as the lance, train in heavy armor, mounted combat, shield use, warfare and strategy. They are excellent at lance combat, the majority of knights practicing jousting and using tournaments to boost their skill. Given all knights are of noble blood they are experienced in diplomatic affairs and intrigue, being well versed in the world of aristocracy. Some are even taught the use of magic, much in the same as a warrior would, bolstering their abilities with magical enhancements. Just like warriors Knights, if trained in its use, can use only up to two, with Spirit being the central focus for all Knights, followed by one element. They are well educated, knowing formalities and proper etiquette, though how they use their knowledge is
all based upon each individual.
A Knight can naturally boost the morale of the people and their own troops with their strength of persona, charisma and prowess, giving hope and create change. On the reverse side they can break people’s wills and strike fear in the hearts of many with their status, strength and infamy. A Knight can be of both good and ill alike, working with a kingdom to helping to bring it to glory or oppose it to see it crumble to dust. In either instance a Knight is truly a fearsome and intimidating adversary. Most Knights by disposition can be domineering, even if they don't realize it, and
tend to have a vain streak given their noble blood.


Alignment: Any.
Weapons: Light.
Armor: Light.
Magic: Divination.
Skills: Arcana, Combat, Lore, Weaponry.
Description: Mystics see brief and confusing visions of a future yet to come or the ability

to see or feel
the fortunes or tragedies to come upon a person. There are many people who claim to hold such powers. Most are false prophets seeking to make profit or power off petty fortunes and predictions. Yet there are some who truly are capable of receiving visions. Blessed or cursed with visions from the Gods, these select few are referred
to as Mystics.
Unlike the majority of other Magic classes, Mystics have a wide range of abilities. They can become proficient at physical combat and maintain an average ability in
divination. By combining these two skills, however, they are able to provide
a deadly range of attacks upon their enemies.
What truly separates the Mystics from other magic classes is their ability to receive

Not all Mystics are capable of receiving visions. Recorded throughout history have been three types of abilities shown in Mystics. A Mystic may hold none, one, or even all

three types.
The power of dream interpretation. This is the most common type. Mystics that have this are capable of translating the meaning behind another person’s dreams. This is not always an easy feat. Most mystics with this learn to interpret certain
symbols or images within the dream to determine their possible meanings.
The power to see and read an individual’s body aura. With this level of vision the Mystic may see an aura around a person, which provides signs of what may or may
not happen to that person.
The power of foresight. This is the most rare form and most people do not understand exactly how or what a mystic with this ability can do. The Mystic cannot instantly know what is happening before it does. In fact, the visions they receive are often completely random, brief, and confusing. Some these images never make sense until the vision comes to pass. No matter how hard a Mystic may try to interpret and figure out the vision, they almost always fail to understand it until it is too late. In fact, many visions are often perceived as a cruel curse from the Gods rather than a blessing. Sometimes these visions are so violent, they can cause physical wounds,
scarring and extreme pain.
Although a Mystic may receive numerous visions in his or her lifetime, the visions never actually include the Mystic themselves. A mystic, for some reason, cannot interpret his or her own dreams or see their own future. Their visions always involve other
people and places.


Alignment: Holy.
Weapons: Any.
Armor: Any.
Magic: Destruction, Restoration.
Skills: Arcana, Horsemanship, Lore, Weaponry.
Description: Paladins are the holy warriors of good Gods, usually stemming from some

temple or order. They are figures of courage and light, and are only second in bard’s tales to the ever popular knights. A paladin's code of ethics is often associated by each individual temple or order, varying in some regards, but all hold the basics of the paladin creeds: Honor the God. Respect legitimate authority. Act with honor. Help the innocent. Punish the wicked. Unlike knights, a paladin can originate from anywhere, so long as they fit the calling. They use their strength of arms to defend the innocent and the world around them from that which is evil, and will do their
utmost to uphold the ideals of their creed.
They are warriors of faith, devoted to their God and code of honor, and so are expected to act and behave in a manner pleasing to the Gods. Of course attitude and views on their class and religion can vary, depending on views of the paladin and their creed. This makes for some varied paladin caste, some being true zealots and sticklers
for order, others being more laxed in world views.
Training to become a paladin is no easy feat for it requires not only highly developed physical skills, but also strength of mind. A prospective Paladin goes through a fasting vigil of prayer, lasting at least twenty-four hours, but up to several days for some sects, to earn their holy magic. Like Fighters, Paladins are proficient with most types of weapons and armor, many favoring heavy armors such as plate, and weaponry like swords, axes or spears. They are also taught horseback riding and fighting. Despite the rigorous physical training they are also well educated amongst their creed, taught language, history, writing and literature. Training paladins are also expected to contribute while in the care of the church or creed, doing work around the grounds, caring for their own items, and doing jobs of some merit when deemed
All paladins must be devoted and unfaltering, for if they fall from grace with their
God they lose their ability to channel their magic. Paladins are able to
cast spells of a beneficial nature, to themselves and also others. They are also capable of casting damage spells, though nowhere near the scope of a Bishop. Because of their Holy magic Paladins using their spells can deal extended damage to undeador evil



Alignment: Good.
Weapons: Medium.
Armor: Medium.
Magic: Restoration.
Skills: Archery, Combat, Weaponry, Woodsmanship.
Description: These people are somewhat aloof from large societies, preferring to live in

regions. They tend to be rough and rugged, and enjoy simplicity in their lives. They are familiar with the land and places they inhabit, and are skilled trackers, trappers, and hunters, often making an honest living off the land in a proper fashion. Rangers are believers of natural order, being that within nature there are predators and prey, a delicate balance that must be maintained. They do not like those that negatively affect this, throwing off the balance of the forests, causing destruction of not
only the land, but of the creatures that live there.
Rangers are excellent archers, and although are no where near the skill of the royal archers, their skill with the bow is noteworthy none the less. They are also capable of wielding two weapons, commonly short swords or hand axes, and are well skilled in basic

combat. Rangers are also quite stealthy, able to move through dense brush
and leaf covered forest floors with barely a sound. They are survivalists, possessing a great deal of knowledge on animals as well as having basic herbal knowledge and
Not all rangers use magic, though a few have received training in some form, typically from another ranger. This magic is for self benefit only, to enhance their abilities
or weapons.
Some rangers have a dog familiar, this animal being not only a companion but also are trained to hunt and for spotting. Rangers cannot communicate with animals or plants in any form, but they feel they have a deeper understanding of the animal
and plant world than most people.


Alignment: Holy.
Weapons: Light.
Armor: Medium.
Magic: Restoration.
Skills: Archery, Combat, Lore, Weaponry.
Description: Valkyries are a female only class. These are strong women dedicated to a

figure, which is good in nature. They usually live in temples devoted
to their Goddess, teaching, learning and bringing other women of strong minds, bodies, hearts and faiths to their fold. It is not uncommon for the Valkyrie to seek out candidates,
and often approach orphanages to take young girls for training.
Unlike most classes Valkyries are not often seen, or at least not apparently. Many times they are mistaken for a Paladin, even a knight. Yet they differ from both these classes in teachings and training. The largest part of the Valkyrie creeds is that a prospective female has to be pure, unchaste, in order to become a Valkyrie. This is where many women fall short, and those who do are often sent away, though some
are accepted into general work positions around their grounds.
It is a strict life and long road to become a Valkyrie, their training methods often thought of as hard and cruel. Many women fail the trials, and so for a woman to succeed
and become a Valkyrie is indeed an honor.
All Valkyries are granted special powers via their Goddess, but
their spells are only physically oriented. They can temporarily enhance their strength, the speed of their swing, lessen the pain of their own wounds, and shout out intimidating battle cries to weaken enemy morale. Valkyries must pray once a day in order to use these skills, so that their link with their Goddess is strong and unwavering.


Alignment: Any.
Weapons: Magical.
Armor: Light.
Magic: Destruction, Elementalism, Fortification, Illusion.
Skills: Arcana, Combat, Lore, Weaponry.
Description: To the narrow views of many magi, the mastery and usage of magic is seen as a pathway to power or salvation. The wizard, on the other hand, does not share such a view. To a wizard, magic is an art. Often believed to be obsessed, these unique
individuals spend a lifetime dedicated to the study and research of magic.
Wizards strive in the discovery and mechanics of spells old and new, and so are often seen within their possession a wide array of books and scrolls filled documentations on magic. A wizard is known to spend days or even years in the research of picking apart a spell in order to figure out its exact operation and method of molding mana in order to produce the exact result every time. After discovery of being able to cast the same spell time and time again, the wizard will move onward to improve the
casting of the spell to produce further efficiency and more potent results.
A great majority of schools and students seek out magi of this classification due to their extensive knowledge on the operations of magic. Because of the efforts of the wizards, new and old magic users alike are able to discover the secrets of new spells through the documents left behind. Without those books and scrolls the wizards have created over their lifetime, magic would have been long forgotten and
practically nonexistent.

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