Hi Tony,

If I knew how to and was into on line play games, I would write a Battle ship 
game that you played against an other person.  But I am not sure how to write a 
game like that for when both people are sitting at the same computer.  I mean 
you would both be able to hear where all of both player's ships are.

Truthfully I am not into a beeping targeting sound, but if enough people really 
wanted it in Puppy 1...  However you already have the sound of the enemy plane, 
the wind sound and the control key thing.  Plus you know, just because you are 
currently lined up behind the enemy plane and fire, it doesn't mean that you 
will hit him.  The enemy is constantly moving and it takes a bit of time for 
your bullets to fly through the sky and get to where the enemy is sort of.  You 
know like when you are hunting or shooting skeet you must lead the target 
because it is moving.  Well it is the same in Puppy 1.  That is all of the 
things in the sky are constantly moving.  And your bullets are not like a 
guided missile that have locked onto a target.  They are just projectiles that 
you have fired out of your guns.  Now the closer you are to the enemy the 
shorter amount of time it takes your bullets to get to him and the less likely 
he is to be able to fly out of their path.



Hey, whats that beeping noise? Wheres that smoke comi

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Chardon Ohio USA
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