Hi list.
I am still playing castaways mission 4,
and I think from playing it quite a bit a change really needs to be made to the way doctors heal people. at the moment, they heal people in the order they become ill, now OK, that's fine when you don't have plague to deal with. however, once plague gets hold of your population healing in the order people get ill makes no sense at all. as if this was a real life situation, doctors would be wanting all the help they could get, so surely would concentrate on medical personell first in order they can help them out later with the rest of the population. as it stands, once plague takes hold of your population no matter how many doctors you create and upgrade, you are basically screwed because they get the plague soon after, and although they may heal the odd person chances are your doctors are berried right at the back of the queue.
so of course you create more doctors til you run out of useable peasants.

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