Hi tom.

i know that is the usual situations as far as access goes, but to me there is a major difference betwene a game with huge amounts of agraphics that would require massive addaptation, and just printing some text to the screen.

I have however had some good news, which is that the eamon delux developer replied to my first mail and says he is indeed interested in adding access features and has several file parameters left to do so.

Whether this is possible I don't know (I actually gave him your mail address as a good person to contact to ask about video interceptors etc).

I'm not sure how much from dosbox he's using to create eamon delux, sinse to me it would seem a litle silly when people usually play the eamon games on an apple ii emulator to create a windows version which needs yet another emulator, so I'm not sure how much through dosbox the thing runs, we'll just have to find out.

Beware the grue!


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