Hi Dark,

Hmmmm....I see your point, and its one of those catch 22 situations.

From an access point of view it sucks when a gamebook etc is published in print but not in an electronic format forcing us to try and scan it so we can have access to it. Obviously, it effects us more than the general public as we don't have immediate access to the material. However, being formally sighted I see the other side of the argument too.

From a sighted point of view its more portable to just grab a book and stuff it in a backpack and go rather than fiddle with downloading it onto a laptop, iPhone, iPad, etc although hand-held devices like iPhones and iPads can be arguably just as portable. Which brings up the second issue.

As someone who use to read print books electronic devices like iPhones, iPads, etc are less personal than a book. When reading a good book the cover is made too look attractive. There might be some stylish writing on the binding and on the front cover, plus a large picture on the front, and it personalizes the book. Plus there is the smell of the paper, the smell of the ink, etc you miss out on with an electronic device. Its difficult to explain to people who read books electronically all the time how the sensation of actually holding a physical book is for avid book readers, and to be honest if I could still see I'd be more likely to buy the hard cover print version than buy an electronic version for my iPhone.

That said, there actually is a trend towards electronic publication, and it happens a lot more than you think. In fact, it is so common now that many of the libraries in the United States are discussing the possibility of closing their doors, because people are using public libraries less and less and as a result many of them can't get funding to stay open. Research libraries are being hit the hardest because instead of walking into a research library college students are now going online to Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg,and other free websites for the same research material. A lot of new books are now being published in e-book formats and can be purchased and downloaded from Amazon, Barns and Nobel, and pretty much any online book store. As a result the number of hard cover and paperback sales have dramatically declined the last five years or so so I'm actually surprised that the gamebooks aren't being published electronically as well. Although, perhaps the company hopes to keep the print going to stem the tide to electronic only media, or feels collectors would prefer actual books over e-books.


On 5/11/2012 2:17 AM, dark wrote:
Agreed tom, though judging from what is happening with current publications I don't think it's the case that people are forgetting about actual paper books.

it's actually slightly annoying from an access perspective, sinse currently all of the lone wolf books with extra content are being republished, as are the original fighting fantasy series, however the companies involved aren't making electronic (or accessible), versions available, and those are really the land mark series.

On the Iphone however, a lot of newer gamebook authors are starting up series as applications, not associated with the originals. Hopefully in the future this might lead flying buffalow or mongoose publishing to the idea of electronic versions of the classic books, but possibly not (not with the way the current publishing industry is desperate to keep publishing off the internet).

Either way though, it's extremely good gamebooks are coming back in, and I fully intend to explore options when i get an Iphone.

In the mean time of course, there are still the extremely good stuff on the net such as chronicles of arborell, the ff project and project aon.

Beware the grue!


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