Hi Dark,

Right. I think I'm more frustrated with that aspect as well. I don't particularly think we need a way to fully restore a character to life so much as we need more control over the combat order and being able to defend weaker characters. I don't know how many games where I have an extremely battle hardened character going up against an enemy boss like the Drake and it wipes out my Fairy with one attack, and there was no way to interpose a stronger character in the way to keep that from happening. If I had more control over who gets dibs on attacks, who can defend more often, etc the Fairy might not have gotten killed in the first place.So I agree the defense issue is really the bigger problem here.

On 5/17/2012 4:43 AM, dark wrote:
Well, it all really comes down to the defense problem, which is imho Entombed's major flaw in design.

it doesn't matter whether you've got an ogre fighter with hp through the roof in full plate armour, or a fairy mage who can go down at one poke, there is absolutely no way to insure that one will get attacked any more than the other, and thus no way to avoid accidental death when an enemy chooses to hit a weaker character, especially with the possibility of one hit killing by striking the torso or head.

I'm really sorry this never got fixed in the games' developement, sinse if it were possible to protect a weaker character with a stronger, then a good tactical player shouldn't! be dying, as indeed is the case in roguelikes, thus no need for resurrection at all, indeed in a multi character game with tactical combat, i'd personally rather have stronger tactical options to succeed than resurrection.

Hopefully if Jason ever comes up with entombed Ii, this issue will be addressed.

#Beware the grue!


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