i should probably try change reaction again, sinse I could never get into the game when i first tried the demo, ---- though I admit that partly this might be a country thing, sinse some of the coins were American ones which were unfamiliar and which i'd not really heard of before.

I think for me it would've been better if the coins were abstract objects like coloured blocks as in Tetris.

This wasn't however the major problem i had with the game, the major problem was understanding what was precisely happening. i got that the principle was similar to columns or tetris with piles of coins, but there didn't seem to be a way to review the piles or plan strategically, you just seemed to get a coin, and have to hammer left to right until you heard a matching coin, then chuck and hope, which made it feel far more a random arcade game than a stratogy one.

Imho Klango's old haunted factory game (which is now sadly utterly unavailable), was a much better take on this type of puzzle in audio, or more recently Quentin's magic blocks.

Beware the grue!


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