How do I play inform7 games accessably.
I have git but it doesn't work with nvda.
I have glulx for windows but I have no idea how to set it up.
Yes I have oriol's nvda module but don't know how to use it.
the about description and names are not in english and i have no idea what else to do. I have fiddled in the options and there are styles for text display and other stuff but don't know what they mean or what I should set things to.
right now the text is majorly delayed, and nvda is out the question.
supernova will work but then I loose half my enjoyment because I have to be reminded of being a poor blind retard and I am in a document viewing session.
Thats one thing I miss about the keynote system and dos6 never had to do much.
I could get lost in a game, now I am to aware of my surroundings because I have to continously review the screen.
and sapi, forget it.
Then there are all the toolbars and other junk should I kill em?
However if winglulx just has to may things with it I may as well just use supernova with git.
Sorry if I am rambling, guess I havn't forgotten the old days.
Oh if only I never picked up games till now, I wouldn't know what it was like.

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