Hi sharren.

Just to clarrify, the full eamon deluxe is a collection of adventures from the old eamon system on the apple Ii computer released mostly in the 1980's and 90's, plus some modern adventures written for eamon deluxe.

The advantage of course in the full eamon deluxe which you don't get with the stand alone adventures is that in eamon, you start from the main hall of the guild of free adventurers where you can buy weapons, spells, stat upgrades etc, and go on individual adventures from there. When you get back to the hall with whatever cash you've earned from an adventure, you can obviously buy better stuff and improve your character. This is a very unique thing and quite a lot of fun.

Sinse a lot of people back in the 80's didn't bother with this and used pregenerated characters instead (like the test characters who come with the stand alone adventures),frank also includes a character editer where you can tweak your characters stats, give yourself uba weapons or create a super character if you want, though to be honest this to me is a little pointless and I only tend to use the editer for testing the adventures in the beta.

If you, or indeed anyone else would like to try the beta version, drop a mail to frank black the developer on eamondel...@gmail.com

While the stand alone adventures are okay as an example, runcible cargo is actually pretty amazing, there are of course more in the beta.

The eventual plan is to have all! the classic eamon adventures converted to eamon deluxe format, as well as some new ones written just for eamon deluxe, but that will take a while.

Still in the 25 or so adventures frank has converted thus far there are some pretty awsome ones. ---- some pretty awfull ones too and some in betwene, but even the mediocre ones tend to be worth playing I find.


Beware the Grue!


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