That's why I brought up the patching console games thing. Sure implementing accessibility might not cost 40000 dollars... well then again it might depending on the game. A few grand at the very least, that probably wouldn't be made up in the sales. Blind people are a small enough community... and VI gamers are an even smaller percentage of that community. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Blindness United: Was: You Don't Know Jack for iOS

Hi Clement,

Couldn't agree with you more. Regardless how bogus or not cost verses
benefit is perceived to be its still a driving force regardless what
any of us might think. If a company does not think adding feature x is
in their best interests long term they aren't going to do it out of
the goodness of their hearts, for ethical reasons, or because they
want to show equality to their fellow man. The cold truth is we live
in a capitalist society, at least most of us do, and in that type of
economic system making money is the bottom line. Regardless of what a
non-programmer might think adding accessibility does cost money, and
for a company all they care about is the cost of developing the
accessibility verses how much adding that accessibility will net them
if added. In short, what's in it for them?

On 2/11/13, Clement Chou <> wrote:
Dakada I do agree with you on principle. But however bogus the thing about
market and cost vs. benefit has to be taken into consideration. Whether
we're united or not, developers won't do it if there's no reason better than

just because a bunch of people want it. And while I believe in this cause, I

think there are way more important things the blind community could be a lot

more united about. Getting back on topic though... I do agree that something

needs to be done. But frankly... I'm not quite sure how to go about doing it


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