hey there! :) Wow, thank you for such a nice note! YOu rock! :)

I wish I could tell you when the update for VO Tutorial will be out but I just 
can't because I don't know yet. ;) We're still working on part 2 so rather than 
just rush something out to have something out, we're doing what we usually do 
and taking the time to really make this an update that people will really like 
and find helpful as they continue to learn and use iOS.

It means so much to hear that people such as yourself are really digging the 
tutorial so we're super psyched!

I'll definitely post here when there is more news to post. :) Have an awesome 
day / evening and thank you again!


Cara :)
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On Mar 30, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Nimit Kaur <kaur.ni...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Kara,  Can you tell us when the new update is more likely to come
for it???  I have it and I like it a lot a lot and a lot!!!!!!!!  I
can't wait for new games~!!!!!!!  Do you guys have any ideas on when
the new update will be out?  No pressure!!!  Just curious....  Thanks
and good job for such a nice invention of an app.  YOu guys have done
good on all the looktile apps I have including the money reader.
Thanks again!!  (Big claps and big stomps and smiles)!!

On 3/30/13, Cara Quinn <caraqu...@caraquinn.com> wrote:
> Just sending this again with a more apropos subject line. -Apologies!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> Lori and list, on the iOS Ap Store there is a free tutorial app from LookTel
> which not only gradually introduces iOS gestures at your own pace but also
> makes this fun by using games to do so.
> The first (currently available) portion of the tutorial has two simple games
> in it and covers several iOS gestures:
> • single tap
> • double tap
> • split tap
> • flick left and right (for navigation)
> • flick up and down
> • the rotor gesture
> • the two-finger double tap
> the two games are a very simple Basketball game and a game which we just
> call Safe.
> IN the Basketball game, the player flicks down, anywhere on the screen to
> dribble the basketball and then flicks up to shoot it.
> The more you dribble, the more likely you are to make a basket. Make five
> baskets and you win! :)
> The second game finds you opening a Safe to retrieve your fortune!
> YOu touch two fingers to the screen and turn your hand as if turning a large
> knob. This turns the dial on the safe's combination lock and numbers are
> announced as you pass them. A tone plays when you pass each correct number
> for the combination.
> When you hear the tone, you flick up or down to enter that number into the
> lock and a new number is then available for you to find. Once you enter
> three correct numbers, the safe opens and your fortune awaits! :)
> the second installment of the VoiceOver tutorial which is now in
> development, will have a more immersive game. I won't give away the details
> but suffice it to say that the game experiences will gradually become more
> and more like actual audio game experiences while helping both beginning and
> advanced iOS users to easily become very comfortable with iOS VoiceOver
> gestures in really cool and fun ways!!!
> For those who are curious, here is the link to VO Tutorial in the App
> Store.
> LookTel VoiceOver Tutorial by IPPLEX
> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/looktel-voiceover-tutorial/id598788231?mt=8
> Thanks and have a lovely weekend and holiday!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn
> Follow me on Twitter!
> https://twitter.com/ModelCara
> On Mar 30, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Lori Duncan <lori_dunca...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kriss, there are quite a few games for the iphone, but I really struggle
> with touch screnes, so mainly stick to the computer.
> ---
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Have a nice day, night, evening depending on where you are in the
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