Hi Iustin,

Thanks for helping out with the optimizations. AFAIK, Klaus had a plan to
introduce a type for UUIDs (that could have been backed by a ByteString)
instead of using just a String before the project was handed over to us. If
this could be done in a not too invasive change and it would reduce
allocations as well, that would be awesome.

Thanks again,

On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 11:40 AM, 'Iustin Pop' via ganeti-devel <
ganeti-devel@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 03:56:10PM +0100, Ganeti Development List wrote:
> > This is exercised by the luxi QueryInstances call when the sinst_cnt and
> > sint_list fields are used. This uses a lot of CPU and does a lot of
> > short-lived heap allocation on clusters with many instances.
> >
> > The reimplementation allocates fewer temporary values, and does fewer
> > object lookups by UUID. The net effect is to reduce heap use from ~3.2GB
> > to ~1.5GB, and CPU use from ~1200ms to ~770ms in a test harness using
> > a config with 1000 DRBD instances on 80 nodes.
> Hi Brian & all,
> I was surprised to see that much heap use and wall time for this code,
> so I looked at this yesterday (thanks for the config file/test
> hardness!).
> Profiling shows that overall, the allocation for this test harness is
> split half-half between config loading (which is a separate issue) and
> the UTF8.fromString calls for converting between the disk IDs (stored as
> String in the instance) and the keys for configDisks (which are
> ByteStrings).
> Writing a simple 20-line hack to change the instance disks to be
> ByteStrings shows that the runtime of just "map (snd . getNodeInstances
> cfg) all_nodes" goes from (on my machine) 200ms to ~45 ms., i.e. a 5×
> decrease in runtime, with the getNodeInstances doing very few
> allocations.
> Is there a reason not to store UUIDs everywhere as ByteStrings? My
> quick and dirty patch seems to pass all unittests.
> Or alternatively: is anyone already working on making UUIDs uniform? If
> not, I'll work on making my patch clean and ready for submit.
> thanks,
> iustin

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