On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 01:56:15PM +0200, Iustin Pop wrote:


> > That's a huge improvement, and it would be great if you could get it to
> > work. The problem I had is that there's a lot of places that use
> > getItem'/getItem, and these currently require a String arg (because they
> > can take a name, a name prefix, or a UUID), so you end up doing a lot of
> > conversions back from ByteString to String. :(
> Yes, saw that, and from a cursory look I believe it can be worked
> around. Testing overall performance might be difficult though. Are there
> nowadays large-scale performance tests? Or just individual benchmarks?

I'm afraid we don't have either individual benchmarks or larger (automated)
performance tests, and this is definitely a pain point.

> > Note also that there's a caveat with ByteStrings: they use pinned memory
> > and therefore can cause lots of heap fragmentation, and I suspect this
> > might be an issue in our daemons.
> > 
> > Data.ByteString.Short is more compact and doesn't used pinned memory. I
> > wonder if this could be used instead.
> That's interesting, I didn't know that. Although many of the Container
> types (or all?) already use ByteString as keys, so I suspect there are
> already problems with it.
> OK, will look into this, and see what I can come up with.

Great, and thanks for your help.


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