On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 10:47:41AM -0500, Jim Rowan wrote:
> Bernard Li wrote:
> >Dear all:
> >
> >As you all know, 3.0.5 has just been released -- time to work on 3.1.0! :-)
> >
> >I thought I would start a wishlist for 3.1.0 where we can brainstorm
> >for ideas to go into our next release.
> >  
> I would love to see the 4T memory limit removed.

definitely an important bug to fix, but as I understand it, it would be
incompatible with the other wishlist of writting everything in the RRDs 
in the basic metric value, as then the probability of overflowing a metric
(like this one which seems to be going over the max ammount of KBs of memory 
that can be contained in an unsigned 4 byte RRD value).

has anyone with more insight in the backend/rrd setup had taken a look at this
and could comment?, from what i always pressumed (and i have to admit i tried
as much as possible to avoid reading the gmetad/rrd code), the currently
selected values multipliers were made to fit the most likely relevant value
while keeping the metric size on disk and memory small (KB for memory but MB
for disk for example)


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