
I am running gmetad 3.0.3 to pull data from 3 clusters in our grid.
Two of the cluster are around 85 nodes and the third is  320+
nodes. Using the web interface, I can see the details on the two
smaller clusters, but if I click on our large cluster I get a blank
page. I see this in the logs:

server_thread() received request "/CCSD" from
server_thread() 1105209696 unable to write XML tree info

Everything has been upgraded to 3.0.3 and is running on the x86_64
version of RHEL 4. I also deleted the old database files in case that
was the problem. If I restart gmond on the large cluster, the data
shows up in the web interface for a few seconds, but disappears once
it starts "seeing" all 320+ nodes.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


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