Excellent advice, Badman! That's EXACTLY why I was offered my old Sprint job 
back. I've stayed in touch with my boss over the last 15 months, and have even 
done some spreadsheet work for him during that time. He said I was his first 
choice when my job came open.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: dbadr...@gmail.com 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 7:11 AM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Non-Gator Related

  >> You have a better chance at finding a job by networking than you do with 
those job web sites

  That's like the first commandment or something of job searching...so true!!!

  Keep your network strong...especially the professional one. Keep in touch 
especially with the people who know exactly what skills you have and what you 
are capable of!! Just my meagerly $0.02!!!

  On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Gatornet Admin <gator...@comcast.net> wrote:

    Man, I don't wish a "wilderness" (Thanks, Jerry!) experience on ANYONE! I 
wish you the best, and remember: You have a better chance at finding a job by 
networking than you do with those job web sites.

    Enjoy your summer with the kids.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Ken Kirkley 
      To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
      Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 3:59 PM
      Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Non-Gator Related

      Cpngratulations Randy!  

      I have been through several 'wilderness' experiences and will be taking 
your place on this one soon.  Effective July 1, I am back on the street.  At 
least I will have time to spend with the kids over summer!

      Ken K.

      From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
      Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 8:47 AM
      To: GatorTalk
      Subject: [gatortalk] Non-Gator Related

      I'm not trying to start a non-gator related thread, and the ONLY reason 
I'm mentioning it here is because several months ago a large number of us 
participated in a thread relating to the mass of layoffs that has hit our 
country. Many of us here on Gatornet had been affected either directly or 
indirectly by the layoffs, and I indicated that I was one of the casualties, 
having been laid off twice during 2008.

      Well, the first layoff for me occurred in March of last year and it was 
by Sprint, which I have said was the best job I ever had. I loved working for 
Sprint, loved my job, loved my teams, blah, blah, blah. Do you get the picture? 
Mushy, I know, but true.

      Anyway, being laid-off by Sprint affected me traumatically, and I never 
really recovered from it. Even though I was hired for a short time as a 
corporate controller, the economy forced them to outsource their financials for 
25% of my salary and I was laid off again in October. All in all, 2008 was not 
a very good year for me or thousands of other people. I know I wasn't the only 
one going through it.

      I think I'm rambling, so let me try to get to my point.

      This past Thursday, after over a week of negotiations (no, I'm not a 
union guy - it just seemed to be the appropriate word to use), I received an 
offer from Sprint to resume my previous position beginning Monday and with a 
substantial raise. I am going from managing 17 sales teams to 26 sales teams, 
which will, of course, keep me pretty busy and on the road, but after spending 
the last 7 months at home, I WANT to be busy and I WANT to be on the road!

      To say I'm happy would be understating it. I'm actually quite "giddy". I 
feel like a young Randy and the best looking girl at school just asked me to 
take her to the prom. It was TOTALLY unexpected and an incredible rush of 
validation. After months and months of doubting my own self-worth, I realize 
now that it wasn't me at all. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the 
wrong time. That wrong place was on a list of what some economics expert 
determined was "expendable" positions.

      Many of us here have been together for over 15 years, so I consider you 
good friends even though we might actually only "see" each other once every 5-6 
years. I just wanted to share my good news with you, and hopefully the 
moderator won't chastise me for this being non-gator related. :)

      Oh, did I mention I can't wait for Monday morning? It might be a VERY 
long time (if ever) that I dread Monday's again! :)



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