Oh yes, I remember that year well.  I had a tshirt that said "I'd rather be an 
0-10-1 Gator than an 11-0 Dawg!"  And I meant it!  ;-)

I was just as avid a Gator fan then as I am now.  Those were the 
"character-building" years.  

Having said all that, I can understand why FSU fans are chagrined about the 
coaching situation right now.  It's pretty ridiculous.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 
  To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 10:06 AM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Disheartened FSU fan

  My first year at UF was 1979 when we went 0-10-1.  It can't get any worse 
than that.  And FSU is not even close to that - playing in the ACC.  So if this 
FSU fan is jumping ship after a bowl eligible season - that speaks poorly of 
the FSU fan.   

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Disheartened FSU fan
    From: "Dr. Caffeine " <thecoffeelo...@gmail.com>
    Date: Sat, October 03, 2009 9:58 am
    To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

    I still remember those dark 'Zook' days. I never thought about not being a 
gator fan, but I did pay less attention to many details at that time.  

    On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:44 PM, Wanda Barry <g8...@comcast.net> wrote:

      You know, I've been a Gator Fan when we didn't win ANYTHING, and I would 
NEVER "break" up with UF.  I'm a Gator win or lose and proud to be one!!!!!
        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Helen Huntley 
        To: gatortalk 
        Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 5:42 PM
        Subject: [gatortalk] Disheartened FSU fan

        From today's St. Petersburg Times. (posted to GatorTalk since it's not 
really Gator News)
        Letter of the day
        Not only is this our letter of the day, it might be our favorite letter 
ever at Two Cents.
        Subject: FSU Football — I want to break up.
        Dear Florida State Football Program,
        I am breaking up with you today. It's really hard to say this after all 
we have been through. I have seen you shine brightly from the highest 
mountains, and I have held your hand when times are tough. The truth is: It's 
not me, it's you. You see, FSU Football, you and I just don't work any more. 
You have let me down for way too long. Actually since the fat guy was in 
office. I simply cannot watch the horrible pass protection, no pass rush, 
dropped passes, stupid penalties, and obvious lack of execution week after 
week, season after season. I can't watch a once mighty football team flounder 
to beat small schools with far less resources. Your program has many, many 
great players. Why are they not playing like it? Why is the defensive backfield 
unable to stop simple backyard passing plays? Why is Mickey Andrews not being 
called out? Why in the heck are there two head coaches?
        What is that you say? "Don't be such a fair-weather fan! Stay with me, 
we will get better!" I just can't, FSU Football. I simply don't believe in you 
anymore. I don't believe we are good together. I wish I knew the answers to 
help you, I don't. I will tell you this: When I sat in the Leon County Civic 
Center listening to my graduation commencement speech in 1994, there was talk 
of accepting challenges, rising up above mediocrity, and improving each and 
every day. When I left Tallahassee, there were names like Ward, Dunn and 
Brooks. Now all of that is gone. What is left is a coaching staff and mentality 
that is past its prime. It's not just the losing, it's the way you have lost. 
You say you care and you want me to stay, but you just won't change. And I just 
can't let you continue to break my heart anymore. I will miss you. I will miss 
the good times we had. Maybe someday our paths will cross and we can be 
together again. Right now I have to go on with my life. I need some time apart.
        Dr. Marc Rogers
        FSU Class of 1994
        Link is here: http://www.tampabay.com/sports/college/article1040884.ece


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