As a Gator fan, I see this point. I will still follow and love the  
Gators even if there were a total media-blackout.

That said, I am wholly unconvinced that it makes one whit of  
difference in the games themselves, and is more a product of coaching  
or administrative paranoia than any verifiable strategic advantage.

I would go further and posit that, while it will not drive away  
committed fans - of which UF has plenty - it may affect the  
cultivation of the next generation. I happily paid for late-night pay- 
per-view heavyweight boxing championships in the 90s, having grown up  
watching Muhammed Ali for free on Saturday afternoons in the 70s.

When all boxing went to PPV, the next generation of fans were lost,  
and now, so is the sport. Can anyone name the current heavyweight  
champion of the world? Couldn't we all have done so 20 years ago?  
Heck, there was a time I could have names them in order.

I sense a decline in NFL interest as well. When tickets are too  
expensive to take your kids to the game, and a corporate mentality  
sucks the fun out of what should be a joyous game, it's not hard to  
predict the long term affects.


On Oct 6, 2009, at 9:25 PM, Cecilia wrote:

> From: Gatornet Admin
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 6:17 PM
> Subject: [gatortalk] Re: [gatornews] Today's Gatornews from Miami  
> Herald and Palm Beach Post
> Once again, Cee and I are on exactly the same page. Weird, huh? :)
> Randy

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