We dont need a playoff. 

Woody (via iPhone)

On Apr 27, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Arthur Polhill <lpolh...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> Well, hallelujah, pass the grits.
> A. Leon Polhill, Gator
> "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did.
> I said I didn't know." - Mark Twain
> From: JunoGator <broadreach...@earthlink.net>
> To: GatorNEWS <gatorn...@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Fri, April 27, 2012 6:49:11 AM
> Subject: [gatornews] Gatornews from the Miami Herald and Palm Beach Post 
> courtesy of JunoGator
> Four-team playoff in BCS’ works
> Commissioners agreed on a four-team BCS playoff, and are working out the 
> details and will seek conference approval.
> It might have taken them a long, long time to get here, but the leaders of 
> college football left South Florida on Thursday in agreement.
> “... it’s time to use the P-word,” Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott declared.
> “P” as in playoffs. Four teams, two semifinals and one championship — that’s 
> what college football is on the verge of having after the 2013 season 
> concludes.
> There are still quite a few details to be hashed out: where will those big 
> games will be played, who selects who gets in, and what role the bowls will 
> play in all of it. But as long as the conferences and schools the BCS 
> represent don’t get muddied in the details in the coming weeks, college 
> football will have its own version of a Final Four.
> “This is a seismic change for college football,” BCS executive director Bill 
> Hancock said after the 11 conference commissioners and Notre Dame’s AD 
> wrapped up three days of meetings at the Westin Diplomat Hotel and Resort in 
> Hollywood.
> Hancock said the commissioners will present between two and seven options for 
> a four-team playoff to their leagues over the next month or so at conference 
> meetings. But, “it isn’t the number that is significant here,” Southeastern 
> Conference commissioner Mike Slive pointed out. “It’s that we’ve got a model 
> of a four-team playoff.”
> After presidents and athletic directors weigh in at spring meetings over the 
> next couple weeks, the league commissioners will then get back together in 
> Chicago on June 20 and try to come up with a final version of a new way to 
> determine a national champion.
> Hancock warned that if no consensus is reached, the fallback would be 
> sticking with an overhauled version of the old system, which aims for a No. 1 
> vs. No. 2 championship game. But that seems like a longshot.
> “It’s great to get to a point where there seems to be general consensus that 
> a four-team, three-game playoff is the best route to go,” said Atlantic Coast 
> Conference Commissioner John Swofford, who along with Slive began pushing for 
> a four-team playoff in 2008.
> “I think there could be a lot of disappointment if we’re not able to carry 
> this through to the finish line. There’s some level of confidence. But like 
> the old cliché, the devil [is] in the details. And we’ll find out how much 
> devil is there.”
> One big change that’s already been decided upon: The BCS will do away with 
> the automatic-qualifier signification. The AQ has given top conferences 
> automatic slots in the four existing BCS bowls: the Fiesta (Big 12), Orange 
> (ACC), Rose (Pac-12) and Sugar (SEC). Currently the title game also is played 
> at one of those four sites on a rotating basis.
> -- 
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> 2008 National Football Champions | 
> Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
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> -- 
> 1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions
> 2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions
> 2008 National Football Champions | 
> Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
> Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us

1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us

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